History of The BBC Band

History of The BBC Band

In 2002, Gary Astridge was in search a hobby and it was a natural for him to combine his two biggest passions, The Beatles and playing drums. Gary placed an ad in a local musicians website looking for anyone interested in meeting for a Beatle jam. The response was immediate, and one session led to another, and as word spread, more and more people became involved. Beatle jams were taking place twice a month and the caliber of talent participating reached a professional level. A core group developed, and the music was so good that a decision was made to form a band. Through time and circumstance, personnel changes were made, resulting in a group of individuals that shares the same desire in recreating music from the most creative decade in pop music history.

The original cast consisted of Russ Thomas, John Connelly, Bruce Lusok, Don Daly, Gary Astridge, & Mike Bassara.

Over the years, enter Ned Wood, Frank Grizanti, & Bob Volkman.

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